Smart, Sustainable Solution
- Environment
- Economical
- Excellent Insulation
- Enhances Food Service Sanitary
- Hygiene
- Everyday Convenience
- Lightweight
- Sanitary Hygiene
- Offers better food protection
Multiple Environmental Benefits
Energy Saver
Hot beverage cup requires about 50% less energy to produce. Decreasing energy usage is also considered one effective way to slow global warming. Also keep in mind that only 5% of foam packaging is polystyrene, the rest is air.
Multiple Environmental Benefits
All packaging leaves an environmental footprint regardless of material type. It takes energy and raw materials to produce, transport, and recover or dispose of all materials. So it is important to measure all of this impact throughout the entire life cycle of the product.
Lighter Carbon Footprint
Polystyrene foam has a low carbon footprint because it’s lightweight. Per unit it uses less resources, energy to manufacture, fuel to transport and less material needs to be recycled. Polystyrene is only a by-product of oil conversion no oil is drilled simply to produce polystyrene. Foam polystyrene cups weight between 2 to 5 times less than comparable paper packaging products. This means fewer air emissions when transporting products.
Less Greenhouse Gases
The Greenhouse gas emissions of plastics, including Polystyrene, are 76% less than other, alternative materials.
Conserves Water
Reusables require water and energy to clean. Using polystyrene food services packaging conserves these important resources.

Designed with Food Safety in Mind
Safety and Freshness
Consumers enjoy the benefits of study and strong polystyrene food services container. And polystyrene packaging insulates extremely well to maintain food temperature, which can reduce food waste due to spoilage or damaged packaging and leakage. Hot foods stay hot. Cold foods stay cold. Fresh foods stay fresh. US FDA regulate the safety of food contact packaging and has approved the use of polystyrene since 1958.
Tests have shown that disposable food service were such as polystyrene is more sanitary than reusable service ware, that need washing and drying. This helps prevent the spread of diseases.
Deliver for Business
The benefits
When it comes to selecting the best food service packaging products, polystyrene packaging delivers. No other food service packaging material provides polystyrene unique combination of performance, economic and environmental benefits.
Food service packaging:
- Is extremely strong yet lightweight.
- Provides excellent insulation.
- Enhances food service sanitation and protects public teeth.
- Is less expensive than many other food service packaging options.
- Has less environmental impact during its manufacture than paperboard foodservice packaging.
- The ability of outreach programs to provide delivered, ready to eat meals to elderly and homebound is enhanced.
- Easy to recycle.

Smart Solutions for a Healthy World
Excellent Insulation
Polystyrene offers excellent insulation properties and is widely used for packaging of take-away meals, hospital meals and cup for hot and cold beverage. No “double cupping” is needed and therefore reduces waste.
Polystyrene food services products are 2 to 3 times more economical than paper board and reusable food services items. A polystyrene hot beverage cup requires about 50% less energy to produce than a similar coated paperboard cup with a corrugated cup sleeve. Decreasing energy usage is also considered one effective way to slow global warming. Also keep in mind that only 5% of expanded polystyrene foam packaging is polystyrene, the rest is air.
Everyday convenience
Today’s busy lifestyle require convenience of affordable and quick take-out meals. Polystyrene packaging meets the demands of today’s modern lifestyles by offering an economical and high quality food service product.